Solar Speed Signs

A Safety Initiative

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In an effort to promote safe travel on our haul roads, Hunter Quarries has installed solar-powered speed signs at strategic locations across its sites.

The signs work by showing a green smiling face if speed limits are being observed, or a red face if not. These signs will help make operators of both heavy equipment and light vehicles aware of whether they are adhering to the company’s established speed limits.

The installation of these speed signs is an important step in Hunter Quarries’ ongoing commitment to safety. The haul roads can be steep with excessive speed posing a serious risk to operators and vehicles. By providing clear and visible LED indicator signs, the company hopes to reduce the likelihood of accidents and create a safer working environment for everyone.

In addition to the safety benefits, the installation of speed signs can also aid efficiency. By ensuring that vehicles are operating within the designated speed limits, Hunter Quarries can help to reduce wear and tear on equipment and infrastructure.

The installation of solar-powered speed signs is just one example of our commitment to safety.

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Our Projects

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Supporting Reef Restoration

After nearly 150 years of oyster habitat loss causing declines in fish number and water quality, Sydney Rock Oyster reef restoration Project aimed to re-establish oyster habitat throughout NSW estuaries.

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In late 2020, Karuah East Quarry met a new milestone as they supplied 40,000 tones of ARTC ballast on time and to spec for the opening of Glencore’s United Wambo mine.
