Drainage aggregate

Quality Statement

The hard and durable rock supplied by Karuah East Quarry makes it a great fit for drainage aggregate projects.

We produce a range of sizes to be utilised across a range of application such as roads, rural properties, landscaping, commercial backfill and more.

Hunter Quarries supply the following sizes:

  • 7mm
  • 10mm
  • 14mm
  • 20mm
  • 20/14mm
  • 10/7mm
  • 63-20mm

Partner with us on your next project

Contact our specialised team for more information about our products and how we can meet your specifications.

Our Projects

Solar Speed Signs

Solar Speed Signs

In an effort to promote safe travel on its haul roads, Hunter Quarries has installed solar-powered speed signs at strategic locations on its sites.

Wamberal rock emergency

Hunter Quarries engaged in a mammoth task of gaining extension of hours to crush and supplying Class 2 Armour Rock to Central Coast Council to protect coastal erosion.
