Other materials

Quality Statement

Customer specified materials

Hunter Quarries can often make materials ongoing for customer-specific needs and has materials not listed on our website. Please reach out if the material you require – aggregate, manufactured sand, civil product, or speciality rock – is not listed.

Project specific materials

Hunter Quarries has the ability to hire in machinery and or operators to suit every project needs. From Cement Treated material through a pugmill to Trommel screen for project-specific large rock sizes. Please reach out to our staff if you have a project-specific product not listed on our website for us to tender.

Partner with us on your next project

Contact our specialised team for more information about our products and how we can meet your specifications.

Our Projects

Road base

Wambo mine project

In late 2020, Karuah East Quarry met a new milestone as they supplied 40,000 tones of ARTC ballast on time and to spec for the opening of Glencore’s United Wambo mine.

Reef Restoration

Supporting Reef Restoration

After nearly 150 years of oyster habitat loss causing declines in fish number and water quality, Sydney Rock Oyster reef restoration Project aimed to re-establish oyster habitat throughout NSW estuaries.
